Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Wonderwall: The Last Chance?

As Steve & Barry's is now completely kaput, liquidation sales are in progress, eg: 60% or more off of everything. You know I couldn't resist buying the man some more Wonderwall:

I even got another pair of board shorts for him - they were $3. And I know West Coasters must find those surf T's kind of silly ($2), but everytime he wears one the young, Wmsbrg. hipster types go nuts. Kills me!

Laird Hamilton, where are you and your wonderwall going? I will track you down, watch out Gabrielle. At least now the husband has enough board shorts & T-shirts to last him a lifetime.

As for me, I didn't see much in the way of clothes, although I may go back for a spring Bitten tunic top. But I've had my eye on these Bitten wallet things for a while, so I picked up two of the brightest for under $3.

And I couldn't resist the grey scarf hair thing, or the gold headband (Both around $1.50). Do not get the too-ridiculous-tight elastic hairbands(not shown) or you may do permanent brain damage. Or maybe it's just my ginormous head. I did buy the elastics, but for my cat who is obsessed and plays fetch with them for hours.

In other fascinating, discount store news, I just noticed on my Strawberry receipt that these:

are categorized as "Gym Active." I may have to go back for these (I bought the black) now that I know they are gym-appropriate. Brooklyn YMCA weightlifters, beware.

Steve & Barry's
Manhattan Mall, (but not for long) 33rd & 6th Avenue


Sharon said...

Hi there-yay for those gold leggings, you rock them!!

Siljesfashion said...

Gold leggings, how fabolous!!

Anonymous said...

If there's any way you can photograph yourself working out in the gold leggings ... that might make my year. We could do an exhibit of you and enc in shiny workout things!

Tricia said...

Sal - I was thinking perhaps a video, mostly of other's reactions!

Kira Aderne said...

I can´t wait to go to NY!

a kiss friend!

Seeker said...

LOL @ Sal


WendyB said...

That will brighten up the gym, for sure.

Anonymous said...

If I had gold leggings to work out in I think I'd work out every day (maybe... hehehe).

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

OMG!!! you've got a pair of liturgical dance leggings...it's not possible!

Elizabeth said...

Oh, you KNOW those are gym-appropriate. You have to wear them.

Songy said...

Yep, definitely gym appropriate. you will be a great eye candy for some muscle seeking guys!