Fashion week isn't just a parade of fashion. It's also, especially for bloggers, time to parade the tech goodies. And if you are desperate for something new, something upgraded, and something involving lots of stuff I don't understand, go to the New York City's best electronics store, B&H. Yesterday I tagged along as George (left, tripod shopping) utilized some coveted gift certificates.
B&H is so widely loved it has a worldwide reputation. The store is big but ridiculously well organized. I wish these guys could drop by my apartment and do a little arranging. B&H has everything and help is everywhere. Every section has floor staff waiting to assist (see George above). And their staff is so well-trained and knowledgeable, it's common practice for them to talk someone out of a pricier item if they think it doesn't fit their customer's needs. It's like a salesperson telling you those $289 jeans look awful on your ass, why not just get some of these $59 jeans that are perfect for your body type? Hahahahahaha, I know, naive, right? Not at B&H.
I pretended to pay attention while George talked to the camera guy about lenses and junk, but really I was distracted by this:
B&H really knows how to extend a shopper's high. When you decide what you want, they don't just hand it to you and let you go on your merry way. No, instead they give you a receipt, and put your box on this crazy conveyor belt! If you're lucky, you can watch it roll away, yes, AWAY from you! This is your time to savor how you felt when you first said yes, I'll take it. And maybe, if you're fast enough, you can chase your package through the store. You know we love something so much more if we have to chase it. I didn't actually see anyone do this, but a girl can dream.
click on these photos and look at the crates on the belt above everyone's head. Rad!
To distract me from the sight of a #4 Jets jersey (grrrr, it's like Chad never existed),
George showed me these:
Bags! Have you heard of Crumpler? I hadn't. They're supposed to be A+ bags for computers and etc.