Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I've been very bad. After dropping off the man at grad school in a whole other city, I drove away sobbing, navigated my bereft way to a big box retail strip mall from hell, and cheated.

It was less than 1 hour since I dropped off my guy, and less than 48 hours since I was in Herald Square. But I walked right into Target and Kohl's with nary a second thought and bought up other, non-34th Street retailer's drastically discounted diffusion lines (now there's a mouthful).

I'll blame Target on eeps. She wrote about the ridiculous markdowns on the Rogan line, and I couldn't resist. Perfect casual clothes and it's organic! Rationalize, rationalize. Actually, I got everything online, but ordered all the wrong sizes so had to reorder and then return to the store. Whew. Naturally while there I had to pick up a few things for the apartment, and voila! More money for Target. In case anyone else out there is considering buying Rogan for Target and is 5'10+ and a size 6-8, buy the mediums. I highly recommend the white sleeveless hoodie and the zebra silk tops and dress.

I'll blame Kohl's on my housemate, Erica. It seems that every time we walk to the subway together I'm complimenting her cute dress, or bag, or dress again, and she says "It's my secret, Vera Wang at Kohl's!" Well, a girl is sometimes pushed too far and has no option but to try something a little different.

Kohl's required some major clearance rack digging (Vera's fall merch looked OK, but I was not paying full-price). Of course, without man in tow I was free to dig for hours. If you go, look for the adorable long, satin shorts, the satin skirt, and don't miss the accessories. I picked up a couple of cute headbands (left, how Vera is that headband?) and was tempted by the scarves. As for sizing, it'll run slightly big for you petites, but it was right on for me. I was easily fitting the 6's. Vera's line is better made and designed than a lot of diffusion lines, but price points start at $40. Some of her bags were tempting, but too $$ for this trip. This was my dirt cheap, sleazy cheating jaunt.

I did spot, in Vera's fall collection, a white blouse that looked exactly like this:

One of Philip Lim's Gap Design Editions shirt! Diffusion line stealing, has it come to this? I mean, I cheated a little, but I paid for it.


Songy said...

ah the temptation. sometimes we just need to succumb to it. whot cha gonna do...


WendyB said...

You're allowed off 34th Street once in a while :-)

maverickandlove said...

I love the philip lim for gap, everything is so cute but too pricey for me for such simple things. The top looks great on you!

Elizabeth said...

Do you feel dirty now?

Sharon S said...

The headbands are cute!!

Kira Aderne said...

amazing satin headbands! I am in love!!!

a kiss!!!

Couture Carrie said...

I think this kind of cheating is okay :)


ButterflyDiary said...

Well, you should be hired to write headlines because I totally fell for that one!

Lipstick said...

I love Target too. You know, I've never met a single soul who didn't like Target.

You are 5'10"???? Wow. I mean, really. Wow. *i'm kelly green with envy*

Tricia said...

lipstick - your envy is very preppy! actually I'm 5'10 1/2, but i've always wanted to be 5'11.
bd - thanks!
cc - yes, probably once in a while is OK?!
kira & sharon - I love that headband, so gossip girl!
enc - VERY dirty. I'm going to go shower now.
maveri - i got the lim for under $10! one just must be patient, unfortunately, and wait for the sale.
wendy - right?! I mean, I don't even live on 34th St!
songy - mmm, temptation is so good!

Cammila said...

There are no apologies to make for cheating with Target -- the lusty secret partner-in-crime of every stylish girl on a budget!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, Miss Fashion, we're feeling better to read about the shower. I mean really... it was just so....well, vulgar going out like that. And in public!! And then to crow about it.

All we can say is More More More! Hah! Great eye and greater selections....very insightful info on the whole Kohl's thing. Haven't done that yet but if we do, now we go with super secret inside info from the best!

Good for you,

Tricia said...

cammila - i couldn't have said it better - and a co-worker got the cutest black richard chai dress over the weekend!
princess - hahaha, i love your preppy ways! and you've got to check out the vera at kohl's, i think you'll be pleasantly surprised! definitely try it on, a lot of it has little hangar appeal.

Seeker said...

I'm with CC this kind of cheating is okay


Nancy said...

I feel like the disparity between the prices of clothes from an original designer and the prices of clothes from a designer's collab with a more mainstream retailer makes it worth it to buy stuff from the collab collection. Maybe it's just me...

The Spicers said...

I nabbed one of the Vera for Kohl's silk skirts for $15, but a lot of the other stuff just looked cheap. Rogan for Target was pretty good though, but you're right: it's runs big, sizewise.

Anonymous said...

I really like the way you are thinking about Kohls.