Saturday, August 16, 2008

Kira Plastinina Week, Day 6

Final Day! Don't be sad, it features some real gems, including this strapless bustle skirt/dress thing ($58):

Which reminds me once again why I ran track and didn't try out for cheerleading. I bet Kira looks mucho mas cute in this dress than Ancient Blogger Lady. But I appeased myself with the best fitting, lace-trimmed tank top ($20) I've ever tried on. It's the best fitting because it gives me cleavage, a near impossible feat:

ouch, everything in this picture is a little too small!

And here's a pseudo-flashdance shirt. It's virtually impossible for me to pass up anything that looks remotely like Jennifer Beals in Flashdance.

And the coup de grace, the Pinky Tuscadero jacket ($50). I may buy it just to be Pinky Tuscadero for Halloween this year. Or to start my own gang of Pinkettes. Because everyone knows Pinky Tuscadero was the baddest, hot-rod driving girl on prime-time TV. Except for her little sister, Leather, of course.

Kira Plastinina, 22 W. 34th between 5th & 6th


Lipstick said...

I love the pseudo-flashdance shirt!

WendyB said...

I remember Pinky!

Seeker said...

Hmmm... I also like the pseudo-flashdance shirt.
I loved your funny writting :D


Prunella Jones said...

I third the flashdance shirt. Buy that sucker.


hahah i see i'm not the only one whos crazy about kira's clothes i posted several pictures of the clothes i bought from her store on my blog check it out!!!

Anonymous said...

i think you looked amazing in all teh kira things. <3

Elizabeth said...

Final say: You look perfect in gray.

You can wear it all, ABL!

Anonymous said...

This dress is fantastic ))) grey looks so hot and not boring at all )))

ButterflyDiary said...

You look gorge in the strapless dress!

arms.akimbo said...

Could a dude wear that little pink number? Cause we're about to.

Tricia said...

aa - of course, it looks very members only/80's-ish, right?