Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Kira Plastinina Week, Day 3

I must give kudos to the adorable and professional sales staff Kira has on 34th Street. They're so good they all kept a straight face as I selected many booty shorts for trying on. Rebecca, you were polite, patient, perfectly attentive, and refrained from attacking me with a pink knife when I didn't buy a thing after giving you almost 50 items to put in my gigantic dressing room.

That gigantic dressing room is the Taj Mahal of pink dressing rooms (see Monday's post). I'm not going to insinuate that Rebecca gave me the big room because I'm so, um, mature, and they thought it'd be easier to drag my ancient body out of there after I keeled over from excessive clothes changing. But while I was shoving a regular-sized leg into a pair of junior-sized jeans, a salesgirl came back to check on Rebecca and her teen +++ client: "How's the Lady doing?" Oh, I foresee a beautiful working relationship with the Kira-ettes! Just keep calling me Lady, girlies, and bring me some tea and biscuits, pronto!

The Lady, at that exact moment, was trying on these for eeps:

I'm not quite sure what that hoodie says as I can't remember where I left my reading glasses. But I'm pretty sure it's Russian for "Stop ruining my clothes, ancient blogger Lady!"

Kira Plastinina, 22 W. 34th between 5th & 6th


WendyB said...

I don't think I could face all the pink in that place.

Anonymous said...

funny cus i actually disagree...the petal pink colors of the dressing room are super comforting to me.

Sharon said...

the white vest top is soo cute!!

eeps. said...

ok, you've proven that i will never ever ever ever step foot into that store.
actually that dressing room does look nice, but if getting in there requires me to find clothes to try on, i'd rather stick with the slightly musky, foot-smelling rooms over at h&m. ahhh the pink! it's... coming.. alive...

Danz said...

The clothes aren't really my style but the store sounds like it's got excellent customer service!

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

I love dressing room pictures!

Cammila said...

Cute shorts! And always pleasing to hear about good service!

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

Oh ancient blogger lady you're most amusing!

Shes Dressing Up said...

The staff do sound pretty attentive to their customers - always a plus!
I don't mind the pink!

Seeker said...

... ancient blogger Lady... LOL


Elizabeth said...

I bet I'm older than you!

I'd love to look this hot!