Monday, October 19, 2009

The Hospital Bag: Before*

Tricia Lewis, our Fashion Herald blogger, is out on maternity leave. Below is a post she wrote pre-leave.

I got these sweats at H&M for $10 on sale, perfect for hospital bag.

I've been hearing about the hospital bag for months now. Apparently, pregnant women should pack these as soon as the plus sign appears on the stick. And if you do a little online research, you will get some very strong hospital bag opinions. Some people, it seems, are planning to bring most of their apartment with them to the delivery room.

My sister and I discussed this. She has delivered 3x in the hospital, and first thing she said was "keep it light." You don't want to be lugging big bags around when, upon leaving, the only thing you should be worried about getting home is that baby. Her essentials: socks, slippers, change of clothes for you and baby, cell phone charger, and a pillow if you care about those things. To this I am adding: coconut water and snacks. And makeup (I'm much more vain than my sister). And maybe ipod speakers, although then my husband will probably play garage music the whole time and I'll have to yell at him.

I was thinking maybe some games, too, you know, like crossword puzzles and Clue. But then remembered that I'm going to be in lots of pain. Do woman do crossword puzzles in between contractions? Or fight over being Miss Scarlet or Miss White?

These H&M leggings are my favorite fall maternity piece and will take me home from the hospital.

My sister and I agreed on this: we love hospital gowns, hospital socks, and all the other stuff they give you when you're in a hospital. They can get dirty and you don't care. Also, they warn you during the hospital tour about losing/leaving things behind. Play it safe, and leave your favorite stuff at home.

*I'm going to post a "The Hospital Bag: After" to see what really worked and what didn't.

H&M Mama
at H&M Herald Square, 34th & 6th Avenue


Anonymous said...

Curious to hear what was useful and what weighed you down!

Miss Yaya said...

Hope all is well!

"But then remembered that I'm going to be in lots of pain. Do woman do crossword puzzles in between contractions? Or fight over being Miss Scarlet or Miss White?" too good

Elizabeth said...

I can't comment on any of this, as I don't have a pregnancy to consider, or a husband who listens to garage music! But I hope you are happy with whatever you pack. I'm sure that a change of clothes is absolutely necessary, and snacks. One never knows what the hospital "food" is going to be like.

Lipstick said...

I can't wait to hear what you actually used! For some reason I included a bunch of magazines! How silly of me...I ended up looking at one page and then throwing them down and closing my eyes b/c I just wanted to zone out.

39th and Broadway said...

Knowing next to nothing about babies and maternity, I always wondered about the hospital bag. Can't wait to hear how to all worked out!