Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Where Not to See Fireworks on the 4th of July in NYC

This is probably my number one favorite annual post.

Macy's sponsors a lot of things, but to New Yorkers, Macy's is synonymous with Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July. Where should you go tomorrow to see the Macy's fireworks? NOT Herald Square! Yes, rumor has it that often people stop by the store to see the fireworks. As much as we would all love to see major pyrotechnics coming off the roof of Macy's Herald Square, something tells me it would not be very safe.

So instead, download the Macy's Fireworks app and proceed with fun from there. Enjoy! It's always a great show.

And, before I forget, here's the winner of the Raika Studio free cut and treatment: Nichol Perez! Congrats, Nichol, I'll be contacting you via email!

Happy Fourth of July to all!