Thursday, November 13, 2008

Comme des Scarf Snatchers

I had no Comme des Garcons mojo today. I'd like to blame Jeffrey, who starting messing with my mojo by leaving town for a work thing. There went my CdG date. Luckily, Martin took pity on me yesterday (tired of my whining) and agreed to meet me at Herald Square 8am this morning.

Standing in line about halfway back, Martin and I were having a nice chat about the big Jets game tonight and my Laveranues Coles crush when, at 9am, they began to let the crowd in. We strolled forward, extolling the virtues of Laveranues' game, when suddenly a couple of demon girls came running from behind and cut the line! This is when I knew I was in trouble. I wasted more precious time being civil, saying "good luck" to Martin, then headed for the scarves and wallets table. All I really wanted from this collection (as I knew there would be no jackets at Herald Square) was the scarf.

If only #87 had been there to run scarf patterns for me...

No luck. As I reached down for the last scarf, a girl ran up and snatched it away. I totally got scarf snatched. Amateur! Well, I don't normally do these sales as I can't abide being elbowed and shoved around by multitudes of frantic women. No surprise that almost everything was taken immediately, and virtually no CdG left on the floor at 10am.

The following is sitting in a big H&M bag in my office. I think I'll keep the cute polka dot sweater, and not because several boys begged me to swap for it as soon as I got out of the dressing room. I would have gladly handed it over if one of them had a scarf, but like I said before, no mojo.

The polka dots. Black or red?

The back and front of trench, the
see-through puffy shirt.

And the men? Martin said the trenches were gone immediately. He couldn't even get his hands on one. Same for all the smaller sizes. Martin tried a few things on (pics below) and got a black wool sweater.

Nothing too exciting here, the suit was too big for Martin, but I like the grandpa sweater. Martin didn't like the metallic looking buttons. He also said the shirts were too thin.

If you're near a CdG-carrying H&M and you missed this morning, follow the advice of my salesclerk: "Come back later, we'll have lots of returns. These girls will get back up to their offices and realize they spent too much money." I know I'll be returning a lot across the street at 42nd & 5th.

And if you find a scarf, I've got a few polka dot things I'd be willing to trade.

H&M Herald Square, 34th & 6th Avenue
H&M, 34th & 7th Avenue


Kira Aderne said...

The trench is adorable, how much is it?

a kiss!!!

Reena Rai said...

The trench and blouse are my favourites, the menswear also looked pretty good

Syed said...

Love the trench and I like the black polka dot top better than the red. And I had a feeling the shirts would be too thin for some reason. Annnd yup, lots of returns, hoepfully some reduced items too lol.

Tricia said...

Kira - the trench is really lovely, and is $199 USD.

Shes Dressing Up said...

I love the puffy sleeved blouse, its a shame you got scarf-snatched, I hate people who are uncivilised at these sales!

WendyB said...

So true what the salesclerk said!

La Belette Rouge said...

I love the trench and, for football, I am more of a Tiki Barber kind of gal.

Tricia said...

oh, la belette, we need to TALK!

Elizabeth said...

I love the red polka dots on you, but all of it is great. You have a way with clothes.

nv said...

loving the coat! i didnt ge tthe check it out, i went to h&m BEFORE the cdg release, im dumb :(


You would not believe the experience I had on 51st and 5th!

Sister Wolf said...

I can't wait to see what the crazy black coat-dress is fetching on eBay!!!

Sharon S said...

Hi there-I love the dark blue polka dot best plus the puffy white shirt! good luck on nabbing a scarf too!

Grayburn said...

I was there as well but by the time I got there, there was barely anything left. The men's stuff looks good actually and I like the black polkas and the puffy shirt. Did you manage a whiff at the perfume?

Yeah I was also very much fascinated with the hair on those models at the dutch fashion awards. I was staring at them so much that they probably thought I was a freak!

have a great weekend!


Sister wolf, take a look at the UK ebay and there are going for 800 POUNDS at the moment! Do the math girl!

Anonymous said...

You get major points from me for not grabbing that scarf-snatcher's hand and sinking your teeth into it. Beeyotch! I favor the polka-dotted top with the solid sleeves.

Prunella Jones said...

A quick kick to the shin would have made her drop the scarf. Make sure to wear steel toed boots next time.

Anonymous said...

Oh Miss Fashion, the polka dot sweater is TDF! Totally!

And Martin's Grandpa sweater is very cool. Is he keeping it?

Sorry about the scarf situation, but maybe the salesperson was right and some will be returned??? Maybe? Possible? (Doubtful, I know.)

Grins & Giggles,

Songy said...

CDG fever.. I feel for you, girl. I hope you get your hands on a scarf soon.