Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cute Baby Hats and Great Campaigns

Baby Herald has been relying upon her cousin's hand-me-down sunhat, which is all fine except that it's blue and then everyone thinks she's a boy and I get tired of saying, "Actually, she's a girl." So it was time to get something a little Or just not blue. We hit a standby baby source, Old Navy on 34th Street.

The purple madras was a little too big, but I liked the versatile brim and Baby Herald liked the tag and the fascinating pattern.

This is one of the cutest baby hats I've seen yet, well done, Old Navy.

Hats run from $2.99+ on sale and up to around $9 for full-price. We also love the Old Navy baby pajamas, hand-me-downs again, but look for new ones in the baby department on the third floor.

And while you're at Old Navy on 34th Street this weekend, shopping for baby hats or taking advantage of 4th of July sales, be sure to contribute to this excellent campaign to support our troops:

Click for details.

Updated to add
- I just received more information on the military donation campaign: items accepted for donation are adult basic T's (men's and women's), adult underwear, boxer shorts, socks, flip-flops, sunglasses, lip balm, and foot powder. Items must be new and unopened. Also, if a customer buys a flag T-shirt, Old Navy will automatically donate one to the troops. And it doesn't stop there: the store will have a letter-writing station where they encourage everyone to stop by and write a letter to the troops. Happy Fourth of July, indeed!

Old Navy,
150 W. 34th Street between Broadway & 7th Avenue


WendyB said...

I love seeing pix of Arm Baby!

Tricia said...

I love it when you remind me of her original nickname!

What Kate Wore said...

She looks cuter every time I see her! And you know how much we adore the madras hat on her, it's perfect!

Hope you have a fab Fourth,

eeps said...

squee! baby heraald! squeeeee!

Lebron James Shoes said...

She looks cuter every time I see her! And you know how much we adore the madras hat on her, it's perfect!