Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Fabulous Real Deal Rumor

"Japanese retailer Uniqlo eyes Ann Taylor's recently vacated space on 34th Street."

Image from The Real Deal

Need I say more? Nah, just go read the fabulous Real Deal story here. And I'll continue channeling Swamileon for more fabulous stores on 34th Street. You know who I'm talking about..."Hello, Swamileon?"

Update: Ok, Budget Fashionista, do you have a direct line with Swamileon or something?! Do tell! Check this out, posted by her back in April.

Uniqlo 34th Street? Possibly at 35 W. 34th Street between 5th & 6th


Fashion UK said...

I hope the rumours are true - can't wait to get my hands on some of their men's clothing.

Tricia said...

I just channeled Swamileon and his predictions are 9 out of 10 that Uniqlo is coming to 34th Street.

La Belette Rouge said...

Does Swamileon have a 1-976 #? I have some questions unrelated to retail and I could use some answers.;-) If not, are you available?;-)

Tricia said...

I am always available for the gorgeous La Belette. Swamileon can only be contacted through psychic fashion channels, though. Try chanting "Andre Leon" or "caftan," over and over, should do the trick.