Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ex-Tannery House = Perfect Ricky's Halloween Superstore

Yes, the Tannery House has moved out of 211 W. 34th Street, which makes it a prime space for a holiday pop-in. And what suits the space more than a Ricky's Costume Superstore for Halloween?

Wood shingles, if done right, can be really, really scary.

Because this is Ricky's, you're going to get an excellent selection of false lashes, stockings, wigs, makeup, and stripper ruby slippers. 

Shouldn't that Rihanna wig be on sale?

Of course there's tons of the usual masks, kids costumes, adult costumes, and every kind of Halloween accessory you could possibly need. I've seen bigger Halloween stores, but Ricky's generally has the best selection.

Ricky's Costume Superstore
temporarily at 211 W. 34th Street at Seventh Avenue