Thursday, October 16, 2008

Debbie Says Sweaters

Because it's getting to be that time of year, Debbie focused on sweaters this week. On hold, under "Debbie," at the 6th floor registers at Daffy's Herald Square:

Striped Minnie Rose sweater, 85 silk, 15 cashmere, $49.99, was $170. On hold in medium and small.

Navy Minnie Rose sweater with sequin trim, 85/15, $89.99, was $410.

This doesn't look like much, but it's very comfortable, very thin, and the color is a much prettier darker green. IMMA 100% cashmere turtleneck, XS, $59.99, was $224.

Again, no wow factor but a great basic, 50 wool, 50 nylon navy Creola vest, $23.99, was $105.

And my favorites: the most comfortable black cashmere V-neck, I forgot to note the exact price and brand, but it's over $100, regularly over $500;

Great vests, Tandem by Transit, darker print is a snug medium, $49.99, was $198, and the lighter print is a small, $59.99, was $248. Sorry about the varying colors, the color on me is most true.

And as lately it's all about the economy, Debbie would like to inform everyone that there are racks full of merino wool Lula Bravo sweaters for $11 - $16.99.

And if you're going to a wedding this weekend, as I am, Debbie would like you to know that dresses have taken over nearly the entire floor by the registers. LBDs galore.

Daffy's Herald Square, 34th Street & Broadway


Anonymous said...

Oh that glorious print vest. But hang on, does it ZIP? That's a dealbreaker right there.

Tricia said...

Nyet! no zipping! and the print is quite unusual, love it.

Angela said...

i need some good cashmere this winter.... : )

Jillian Hobbs said...

ooh i like the turtleneck and i think that black vest is my favorite! <3 so cute

you always find the coolest stuff! you need to take me shopping!

hope you're having an awesome day! TOMORROW IS FRIDAY!!! WOO!

La Belette Rouge said...

95 degrees in L.A. today. I love sweaters and can never have enough. I so wish I could wear one of these and that it would get cold!!

Prunella Jones said...

Wrap 'em up, I'll take them!

Anonymous said...

i love the black vest!

Elizabeth said...

I want to be Debbie, so I can get my hands on that dark Tandem vest.

Siljesfashion said...

Love cashmere!

Cammila said...

Yes yes, time for sweaters! I could go for a few new sweatervests as well...

Unknown said...

hat gesagt…

how was your day?
i liked your blog
you are fantastic!!!

really nice blog
fabulous fantastic
take care
see you
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Unknown said...

hat gesagt…

how was your day?
i liked your blog
you are fantastic!!!

really nice blog
fabulous fantastic
take care
see you
i have added you in my blogroll.
i hope you also like to my blog in your blogroll

Songy said...

oh I like that vest with the pattern, the last one.

Sharon S said...

Hi there-I love the navy jumper on you-it is very nice indeed!

Anonymous said...

Miss Fashion, we do think the striped Minnie Rose sweater could be a keeper.

It is still so warm and sunny here, you must tell Debbie the wool dresses may sit by the register a bit longer!

Grins & giggles for a splendid weekend!

Dana (MODAna) said...

I was actually disappointed in that particular Daffy's again and again
but the one of 56 between madison and lex rules

Tricia said...

i've heard this before, so i send deb in to suss out some decent stuff. the one uptown is 57th btwn lex and park, i pass it all the time and have been very tempted!