Saturday, October 4, 2008

Put the Petal to the Breast

Do you guys utilize breast petals? I've got them lying round here and there, and find them very handy. Strawberry currently has this Braza version ($6.99) hanging on a wall in the lingerie department. Yes, right next to the Hello Kitty hotpants.

Need I explain more? Handy. Sometimes you're OK with a little exposure, and sometimes (cough, WORK, cough) not so much. These are great because they're reusable, up to 30 times or something like that. Just wash in between use and they'll last longer. Oh, and a certain breed of fearless buff tabby cat likes batting them around, so take necessary precautions.

Strawberry, Empire State Building, on 34th close to 5th Avenue


Seeker said...

Those seem cool for certain ocasions.
I can't get them here, just on-line.


Songy said...

gee you know what I was in a hurry and madly looking for one at Target and couldn't find any so I just had to risk it one night. I'd better really get some. :)

Elizabeth said...

I could use a pair of these.

La Belette Rouge said...

This flower has no petals.;-) I have never tried or even bought a set of these. Probably a good thing to have on hand.

WendyB said...

I've used them but found that that they reflect a camera flash to such an extent that going without is better.

Siljesfashion said...

Never tried, but sounds good!

Prunella Jones said...

I prefer sequinned pasties to cover up my naughty bits.

Besides, they are my uniform at work.

Tricia said...

seeker - yes, sometimes they're just right.
songy - it's good to have some back ups. i've even seen them in gap's intimates section.
la belette - stock up on petals! seriously, sometimes you just don't want a big bra.
wendy - ugh, i saw this recently on go fug yourself, not pretty. def. not recommended for red carpet posing. almost as bad as a white bra w/black.
siljes - try them, they're liberating!
prunella - your naughty bits are too hot to cover up! but it is work...

Shes Dressing Up said...

Oooh Ive never heard of these, they sound pretty damn exciting! How do they stay stuck?!

Sharon S said...

Hi there-these are a great invention!!

Angela said...

i use nubra....but, i am always in fear that i will be in the middle of a date and my nubra pieces would fall off... : )

yiqin; said...

Wow, I don't like how they feel though :/

Anonymous said...

I misread this post and thought you were saying "Guys use these breast petals." I was so intrigued!!

I use the pusher-upper things, but they tend to fall out in public, which is kind's not good.

Diana Coronado said...

Yeaahh what a miracle !!

Tricia said...

Hmm, I've never had a falling off moment, although once i slept in them and it was a little uncomfortable peeling them off!
and sister wolf, i know a couple guys who might benefit, not a bad idea.