Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Raiding H&M Men

I always do a quick look-see in the men's departments on 34th Street. Often I am well-rewarded and I'm talking for myself, not the man. From H&M Herald Square, 2nd floor men's Divided:

Cuff ($5.90). I'd normally call this a bracelet, but it's in the guys section so I'll be respectful. Jeffrey was appalled when I pulled it out back at the office: "Studs are so done!" but I love the mix of black and silver studs. And really, I think studs have some life in them this winter, next spring, and for the next punk rock stud revival in what, two, three seasons?

Angora fingerless gloves ($6.90). Men's department? Ha, ha, no, I found them balled up in women's accessories. So cute, even hard for some guys to resist.

Tie ($9.90). This is a perfect skinny tie. I was inspired by that cute tie on the edie rose white shirt last week, and was keeping an eye out for something similar. This is a heavier material, but I think the shape is perfect. Now I need to learn how to tie it proper.

Suspenders ($7.90). These come in white with black piping also, but I was a little worried about the dirt factor as I'll be messing with them all day.
On me, on my male model (yay, Martin's back!), and the gratuitous rear suspenders shot).

Altogether! It's my "Build-a-Drag-King" post just in time for Halloween. And looking at this shot, I'm for sure wearing suspenders not with these skinny black jeans, but baggy boyfriend pants.

H&M Herald Square on 34th @ 6th Ave.


Seeker said...

Oh I love all those things and wouldn't mind to have them.


Angela said...

i like the cuff.

La Belette Rouge said...

Hope that you are feeling better. Totally is a totally 90's shopping spree at Herald square. Fun finds!

Anonymous said...

alright as per my recent post you know that I'm going to have to disagree with the studs being dead. They are very much alive!!!! LOL. But yeah you look awesome as a drag king. Haha. You should totally be that for Halloween!!!

WendyB said...

Suspenders really work on you.

Sharon S said...

Hi there-you look so cute in the suspenders, I love these last piccys of you!

Annie Spandex said...

Lol, it's a cool cuff. Classic.

Anonymous said...

the outfit with a tie is incredible!

Songy said...

They are all very cool. Love the bracelet (ahem cuff). did they have any other variation of that stuff?

Prunella Jones said...

I love cuffs. I have a bunch. They make the wrist look so girlishly tiny.

That one is very Pat Benatar.

Anonymous said...

I feel a "Billie Jean" vibe. As in "not my lover" ... not tennis.

Couture Carrie said...

Loving the new profile pic, FH! And the accessories in this post are totally HOT - suspenders and studded cuff? Yes, please!


Tricia said...

yes, Pat Benatar, Billie Jean (both versions, really!), love the comments!

Elizabeth said...

I like you in the Drag King look.

Anonymous said...

Oh Miss Fashion... you look so cute in the suspenders and tie...oh yes!

Re: the cuff... perhaps you gave it to Jeffrey?


PS: So glad you are better.

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

I think this could be a regular post...I enjoy seeing the what's going down in H&M...I just wish you were doing the shopping for me.

Tricia said...

imelda - i think so too. and tp - i threw the cuff down at his feet and then we had a little fencing duel. you know, the usual office stuff.

Always In Style said...

OMG. So 80s. So cool. I luvs!