Friday, April 10, 2009

Bona Fide 34!

Lindsey is almost 100% bona fide 34th Street today:

Dress she just bought at H&M, $29-ish, sunglasses from Forever 21, $6-ish, leggings from Strawberry, also $6-ish, and, I quote, "crappy ballet slippers I have had forever."

Her outfit makes me want to wear cute plaid dresses all summer long. And it has inspired me to finally jump on the ballet slipper bandwagon. Late, I know, but sometimes I'm contrary like that.

H&M, 435 7th Avenue @ 34th Street
Forever 21, 50 W. 34th between 5th & 6th
Strawberry, Manhattan Mall level 2, 33rd & Broadway


Sharon said...

Hi there-I've a habit of coming into trends late too, LOL!! Lindsey looks fab!

Cammila said...

Yes yes, summer means fluttery fabrics! I can't wait for seersucker and flowy cotton and pintucking!

WendyB said...

You should have made her run out to get new shoes, just to perfect her 34th street outfit!

Sister Wolf said...

Welcome to the bandwagon! I pretend I'm Angelina Jolie when I wear 'em.

s.i. michaels said...

Super cute. Love that oversized shirt look.

In Yr Fshn said...

Great plaid--such pretty colors!