Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Back to The Berry for New Year's Eve

I'm tempted to just post Strawberry the rest of this holiday week, as poor Strawberry was ignored while I was on maternity leave. How I missed walking in the door and quickly spotting lots of outrageous fun stuff. Like lots of sequined stuff, perfect "lows" to your "high" if you're doing that high/low thing for New Year's Eve:

Sequin vest for under $30. And here's a super-short sequin skirt ($19.99) if you're so inclined:

It may look like a tube top from here, but it's a skirt. I think.

And leggings for $19.99. Strawberry has all the sequins covered. Although I wouldn't expect these to hold up long as I saw sequins hanging from a thread on a pair at the rack. If you're worried, here's a sequin racing-stripe legging option ($14.99), which isn't so likely to come undone.

Strawberry 34th St, in the Empire State Building btwn 5th & 6th Aves.
Strawberry Manhattan Mall level 2, 33rd & 6th Avenue


WendyB said...

Yeah, give poor Strawberry its own week!