Thursday, March 6, 2008

Pierre on 34th Street

Gap on 34th doesn't have all of the Pierre Hardy shoes (from the looks of a Racked posting today, the 5th Avenue store has the line in its entirety), but they have enough to make me happy. Here's his wall (up since the 4th):

It's totally back on for me and Pierre; no disappointment on 34th Street.

Happy about:
This elegant, duo-tone flat ($98) that gives good toe cleavage and is pointy, the new toe for spring.

Happy that I was a size 8 in:
The gladiator, which is weird as I'm a nine. Either these gladiators ($78) run big, or Pierre is flattering me. All other styles are true to size.

Happily unable to resist:
The wooden platforms. Some may think I've lived through too many incarnations of such in my life, but screw them. I'll clomp around in every wooden platform redux I can get my hands on till I'm ninety. Then I'm wearing only those terry cloth slippers.

Very happy to see:
Some attention paid to the soles. Doesn't look like these are going to fall apart any time soon.

Unhappy to not see:
The pastel gladiators shown in earlier reports, and smaller sizes. Looks like 6 1/2 is the smallest in store. There weren't many 10's either.

Very unhappy to not see:
A name. No M. Hardy on the shoe, box, nor wall. And it's weird that there's very little PR buzz about this "design edition," although the shopping is saner. No crowd, but those of us at the Pierre wall were grabbing multiples. One girl got three pairs, "one for a friend and two that are too big, but I'll see if my shoe man can do anything, because otherwise I'd spend like $500 for his shoes." A salesman then exclaimed "People have been calling about these for months!" Um, sorry about that.

Gap at Herald & Greeley Squares, 34th & Broadway


eeps. said...

so the gladiators run big AND the smallest size in the collection is 6.5?

what is wrong with the gap? why do they HATE petite people?

Tricia said...

Yes, rotten, probably they are putting these out in limited sizes as it's the first shoe design edition. I'm going to email their customer service,, and complain.