Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Kat Von D

After a day of running around 34th Street, I popped into Sephora to buy the Furterer dry shampoo. And there I saw this:

Funny that just yesterday we were talking about Kat's new line in Sephora on 34th Street. Sorry this is last minute, but if you're a fan, you may already be doing this:

at first I thought someone was selling iphones - look, one guy even brought a chair!

the line goes past Old Navy - this before 3pm.

Kat will be signing autographs from 5 - 7pm. Makeup artists were setting up for the event, and can help you choose from her limited-edition color collection (lipsticks, liners, and shadows).

Sephora, 130 W. 34th btwn Broadway & 7th


Times of Glory said...

Wowwwwwwww! That sound very interesting! Limited edition colour? How gorgeous! We used to have Sephora, but not any more... I miss those stores so much xxxxx

Danz said...

Interesting...I have an idea of what her makeup would look like but I'd still like to see what she came up with.

For some reason, I can't see myself sitting/standing outside anywhere for hours just to be first to see or buy something :S

Thanks for your comment! Take care :)

Elizabeth said...

What a coincidence!

C Merry said...

I was there! Such a wonderful time!!!!

Lipstick said...

Oooooh I am so jealous...I love Kat! I actually probably would stand in line to get her autograph.

Anonymous said...

Great photos ))) I want this autograph as well )))

Hugs from Angel.

Always In Style said...

My coworker wandered in when Kat was -- she said it was a complete zoo and apparently stayed that way because she went back 3 hours later and it was still insane! Did you go?

Tricia said...

No, I didn't go as I was out all day getting a video shoot together! normally i'd at least drop by and get a few pics, but i had a gazillion bags.
honestly, i'd never heard of her, and was amazed at the big line! I really thought it was an iphone line.

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

those crazy tattoo freaks are crazier than the mac freaks. I love that one dude (who is a dude and will not be buying her makeup) has camped out in a deck chair.

Tricia said...

Exactly! Hellooo, stalker!