Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wash it Dry

For months now, my stylist (let's call her "S") has been extolling the virtues of not washing hair. And every time I'm waiting to get my hair done, one of her clients is gushing about what? Not washing her hair. "Oh, my god, S, you've changed my life!" or "Feel my hair, S, you're so right, that dry shampoo is amazing!" I'd just roll my eyes. I mean, camon, I lived through the days of Psssssst. My mom, having six daughters, wasn't a big fan of washing our hair but once a week. Can you blame her? And dry shampoo to me, a brunette, was a big puff of white, as if you'd accidentally shook baby powder on your head and the lid fell off.

But then I read an interesting travel tip on the Lucky beauty blog. A salon owner recommended an alcohol-free hand sanitizer (CleanWell, available at Whole Foods or Target) to "freshen" hair when flying. Crazy, right? This made me rethink dry shampoos. And it's been humid lately, and my hair is so sad when I get back in the office, that I decided it was time. I'm throwing in the towel (ha!) and buying a dry shampoo (I wouldn't use a hand sanitizer on my hair everyday, alcohol-free or not).

I know the dry shampoo technology has changed since the Psssssst days, so I asked S what to buy. Here's what she loves:

Rene Furterer Naturia dry shampoo. Available at Sephora for $24. And Sephora on 34th Street is newly renovated, with a "glammed-up" look, more space, and new brands like Lavanila, Kat Von D and GHD, seller of fabulous hair irons. How shall we celebrate? Don't miss Thursday's post for a little giveaway contest.

Oh, and what else does S have in her bag as an emergency backup? That's right, but shhhhhh, don't tell:

Sephora, 130 W. 34th between Broadway & 7th


Sharon said...

I'd love to hear your feedback on this!!

Couture Carrie said...

It's true, tis better to wash one's hair less. I haven't used dry shampoo yet, but I swear by Bumble & Bumble's hair powder - it really is great. For blondes -- just use baby powder; it does the same thing, absorbs moisture. Excellent post!

Kira Aderne said...

that´s important :)

ButterflyDiary said...

I wrote about Philip Kingsley last week (the celeb hair guru) and his mantra is: wash your hair as often as you wash your face --ie. everyday.

While it seems excessive, thank god for dry powder. I just don't have the time to wash, blowdry everyday. Let me know how you get on with this product!

Anonymous said...

oh man. i tried doing the no 'poo thing. where you rinse your hair with baking soda and water. and condition with apple cider vinegar. wow... it did not work for me! or maybe i just didn't have the patience. i only lasted 4 days. but i think i'll pick up some of that dry shampoo and give it a go.

Ashley. Unscripted... said...

I think I'm gonna head over to the Sephora site and buy some of that stuff. I keep hearing how great not washing your hair is. Think I'll try it out.

Lipstick said...

I wash my hair every other day, but I always feel paranoid people can tell. I am really curious about this whole powder thing.

Love the mention about Kat Von D's makeup line. I love her-where have I been? I had no idea that she had a makeup line!

Xmastime said...

you know what girls?

wash your hair. for chrissakes. wash your hair, brush your teeth, shave the pits. camon. we ain't cracking algorithms here!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to find out your opinion )))

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

LOL..xmastime's comment is cracking me up!!! I read an article in a mag about women who don't was their hair and instead let the body's natural oils condition the hair...barf!

I can't wait to read your verdict and if you do end up with powered wig, please post pictures :)

Tricia said...

I'm trying it out this week and will post! I don't really believe this is for everyone, but we'll see!
We'll do a powdered wig picture for sure.

Prunella Jones said...

I have fine textured hair and I dye it, so it tends to be dry. I only wash my hair every four days or so and I think it looks best on the fourth day.

eeps. said...

yes, i need feedback about dry shampoo for nonblondes. i've been through all the amazon reviews for bumble&bumble and everything else in between, and the consensus seems to be you're plumb out of luck if you're not a blonde.

WendyB said...

Skipping hair washing is awesome for people with dry hair -- for people with genuinely greasy hair, it's awful.

Elizabeth said...

This all sounds great, but I have to wash my hair every three days, or things get ugly.

Tricia said...

i've got "combination" hair, so i'll be a good tester. and i'm pretty addicted to washing my hair daily.

Always In Style said...

I need a can of dry shampoo at my desk for those days that I sleep through my shower and forget to actually put shampoo in my hair. This has happened an embarrassing number of times I'm afraid. Please, please, do post a review if you try it!

Anonymous said...

Oh, this will be fabulous info Misss Fashion, can you tell by the number of comments and impassioned pleas for a report back on how it works... or doesn't?
The world awaits your reports... on dry shampoo... like war and peace, only more important.
And you are old enough to remember Pssst? No way.

Tricia said...

Yes, TP, WAY old enough to remember Psssst, and many other things, shall we dish?!