Friday, July 31, 2009

JCPenney Manhattan Mall: Opening Day

The mayor dropped by to wish "bon shopping" to JCPenney and its customers this morning. He didn't really say "bon shopping," but he did call Herald Square one of the best places to shop in the city. I then, of course, was the only one who "woo-hoo'd" him.

Mayor Bloomberg and JCPenney CEO Mike Ullman III. What if I added "III" onto my baby's name? Hmm, may ensure his/her success in future retail ventures.

Kimora Lee Simmons then came up on stage looking fabulous. Fitting as her Fabulosity line is carried by JCPenney. She didn't talk, just smiled, and then chatted up the Mayor. Be sure to check out her shoes, I spotted some tempting wedges and flats in the shoe department.

Because of weather, the opening ceremonies weren't held outside in Greeley Square, but in the lobby of Manhattan Mall, and featured not just Mike and Kimora (who had boyfriend and baby daddy Djimon Honsou in tow), but also a little fashion show. I couldn't see much but the hats looked very cute. Luckily there will be shows in Greeley Square throughout the day, so be sure to drop by and check out the goods.

The JCPenney stage at Greeley Square, and a fashion show this morning.

Don't forget that there will be doorbusters all day, so go get yourself some $3.99 pillows and towels. Also, sales abound. Kati and I dropped by the store yesterday and checked out the I Heart Ronson and the soft, stretchy Twelfth of Eleven T's. Hmm, wonder who designs those...

Twelfth of Eleven T-shirt with satin side panels and pocket, was $30, now $19.99. I Heart Ronson dress is now 30% off of $50.

This long, double-breasted I Heart Ronson vest is a great piece (30% off $36). I Heart Ronson dress is also on sale (original price is $50).

Kati got the Ronson vest and the pink T, both my picks also. There's a green, sleeveless Twelfth of Eleven T that's got my name on it. Look for these shirts just to the right of the I Heart Ronson department on the first floor, tucked back a little in the alcove.

JCPenney Manhattan Mall, lower levels 1 & 2, 33rd & 6th Avenue


Dream Sequins said...

I kind of love the fabulous/ridiculous Kimora Lee Simmons. Sounds like a great event!

39th and Broadway said...

So I expect that you took this as an opportunity to get Mayor Bloomberg on board with the bring Topshop to 34th Street plan! Good luck to JCP!

Tricia said...

DS - me too, that hair blows me away!
39th - I tried, but couldn't get inbetweeen him and Kimora Lee. Next time I'm wearing a wig and my 6 inch heels :)