Friday, April 11, 2008

Well Done, H&M

I was not expecting the Marimekko tribute collection at H&M to be so hot. The online mannequins wearing those black sandals with every outfit kind of scared me. But after visiting both H&M's on 34th Street, I'm a little obsessed. And really impressed. Most dresses are lined, fabric looks good (although I'd avoid the rayon as one of the skirts was already doing that worn, wiry thing), nothing is over $69.90, and the prints are winners. Bright, bold, come-give-me-a-kiss winners. Here's my top faves:

These incredible skirts;

These shorts (just don't overdo it with the top, which alone is hippy cute);

This scarf, which is big and fab enough to wrap around two of you;

This maxi dress in a summer light fabric;

And my #1, "gush with the guy at the register" item? This case ($24.90), which comes with these ridiculously humongous and lovable sunglasses. See co-worker mugshot for proof. Everything should be packaged so well.

Here's what I'm not obsessed with:

The pants and the sunhats, which both felt a little too grandma/friend-of-mom from the 1970's.

And the crowds? This morning wasn't busy, but later in the afternoon I sensed such a frenzy building among the racks that a size 8 skirt search got a little panicky. I thought I'd have to throw an elbow, but sanity prevailed. However, hit an H&M soon as the 8's are almost gone on 34th Street. 6's and 4's are still looking good. Forget about large sizes for the skirts. There seem to be more 10's and up for the shirts. Looks like the Herald Square store has the collection in its entirety, fantastic necklace and all (picture to be posted later).

H&M Herald Square, 34th & 6th Avenue

H&M, 7th Avenue @ 34th


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