Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sit Down With Shoes

For a taste of what you can find in the Daffy's Herald Square shoe department, enjoy these, sitting on my lap New Year's Eve Day and helping me decide what I should be for the new year:

Fabulous Girl (Corso Como, $79.99);

Hipster Girl (Blowfish, around $29.99?);

Or Cool Nerdy Girl (J Shoes)?

I almost got Hipster Girl, but ended up with navy Gee WaWa's (on sale, $19.99, whites on left were gone). Stylish, weird and cool. Wore them for the first time on New Year's Eve, walking the streets and subways all night from Brooklyn to the Upper West Side, and nary a blister to be found on New Year's Day. They really are pain-free, artisan shoes.

Daffy's Herald Square,
34th Street and Broadway


Anonymous said...

Damn, you find the best deals in Daffys. I have to admit, I've only been into a daffys once years ago and it skeeved me out. You're inspiring me to try it again. But does the 34th street one have the everybody in one dressing room thing?

Tricia said...

Natanya - don't be skeeved, daffy's herald square has individual rooms with curtains! I drop by once a week, and if there isn't something great in shoes on the fifth floor, you should find something good on the racks on 6.

- said...

Shoegasm? Yes please.

Prunella Jones said...

Oooo ooo I wanna be Fabulous Girl! I have a cigarette holder that would go great with those shoes.

geri hirsch said...

ill take one of each please!

Fashion Addict said...

Wow, I haven't really come by a pain-free pair of shoes! I have got to stop by and get a pair like that.

Seeker said...

So cool !!!


ButterflyDiary said...

Those white platforms look divine. I'll take your word for it that they are comfortable...those are some serious heels!

Anonymous said...

That 1st one is definitely my fave though that wedge boot is pretty tempting, too.

Michelle said...

Fabulous girl! Be my girl!

Anonymous said...

I love the "Fabulous Girl" style - TOO cute!!