Thursday, September 16, 2010

Meet My Rosa Cha Fantasy Life

If I had to live in bathing suits, they would all be Rosa Cha circa Spring 2011. And yes, my body is perfect in this bathing-suit-fantasy-life so I'm totally OK with letting it all hang out.

Here's a couple of my usual tiny digital camera photos, but look at the shoes! And I adore the print, inspired by the Brazilian snake plant.

Alexandre Herchcovitch makes a bathing suit so much more than just something to swim in: this is something to lounge in, stroll around the pool in, and prance around the home in. This is for parties, for special occasions, for intimate occasions, and for throwing a skirt on top of and going dancing. Yeah, sure, that's my life. I'm really not just home weekends doing laundry, cleaning floors, and trying to keep Baby Herald from pulling off the cats ears.

I grabbed these gorgeous runway photos from Style Pantry.

All of these fabulous lifestyle suits are designed with a lot of tasteful sexy and a little fetish twist. Which means perfection, right? Speaking of perfection, this collection was also inspired by Perfecto jackets from the 80's. Naturally, I used to live in a Perfecto jacket way back then, so that explains a lot.

Rosa Cha Spring 2011 show photos courtesy of
Style Pantry.


WendyB said...

I had a great Rosa Cha bathing suit with giant pictures of puppies on it. I wore it till it fell apart.

Tricia said...

WendyB - They need to design you a new puppy bathing suit ASAP. I could go for a kitty suit.