Monday, February 11, 2008

Last Shows: Tadashi Shoji

Here's Friday, the last day of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. I had invites to Tadashi Shoji and Zang Toi, fitting collections for my last day as both shows transcended all surrounding madness. First up, Tadashi Shoji. Xmastime and I attended the show after a morning of videotaping, during which Xmastime encountered not just famously slender fashion plates (stay tuned for videos), but also perky, unknown starlets like the one on the right. Name, anyone? Anyone? Frantic, everyone was asking each other who she was while taking pictures with her. Pathetic, yes, but we jumped right in. And she couldn't have been too famous because she patiently waited a good 90 seconds, posing the whole time, while I "sorted out" my camera.

Tadshi was Xmastime's favorite collection. His review? "They actually look like clothes women would wear." Correct, especially as Tadashi featured not just his standard evening wear but also a new line of elegant daywear. Here's a selection of his beautiful draping and color palette:

I can't get enough of the masculine hats and bowlers shown this season. Tadashi Shoji is not for the trendy young thing, but she'd do well to make note of his graceful lines and style. Next up, Zang Toi.


Anonymous said...

she looks like tommy hilfiger's teenaged daughter? ally?

Anonymous said...
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